Let me tell you what I do and then you can choose the way you want to think about me...


My earnings come from working in the film industry and from theatres. I work with lights and with cameras. Sometimes, some of my photographs gets sold.


I might be a bit old fashioned as I believe in learning by doing. Actually. I did not study anything I do or work on. I love learning and discovering stuff and I believe in improving by working, by experiences and by learning from mistakes.


Movement is something very dear to me. I did fencing over the years, I like dancing and I’m a passionate climber and mountaineer. I love exploring and I want to travel the world.


I use to think about things that surround us. Sometimes I write about it and sometimes I do a project about it. I enjoy reinventing myself as I am thankful I can evolve with the time passing by.


Well, we are all complex human beings with passions and envies and I’m happy I can say my work is one of them.